Preschool Program

3-5.5 year-olds

Our preschool program includes children 3-5.5 years of age, a certified and degreed Early Childhood teacher, and a Teacher Assistant. We are dedicated to keeping a ratio of 8:1 in order to best respect the individual needs of the child. Our program will house up to 12 preschool age children from 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.

  • Raising Radishes Pre-school employs a Reggio-inspired, project-based, constructivist approach to early childhood education. Teachers deliver an “emergent curriculum,” predicated on the interests, ideas, and inquiries of the children.

    This type of work provides ample opportunity for discussion, collaboration, decision-making, choices, cooperation, and evaluation during the course of an investigation. Investigations can last days, weeks, or even months based on the interests and enthusiasm of the children. Through these projects, teachers routinely plan and deliver a wide variety of educational experiences, which incorporate literacy, music, art, dramatic play, cosmic studies, motor development, math, cultural studies, nature, and science.

    Specialty teachers deliver additional programming such as gardening/farming, foreign language (Spanish), cooking, fiber and industrial arts, music, and engineering.

    We understand development as a phase. Therefore, we introduce academic specific content in this age/developmental range on an individual needs basis. We commit to following each child. Once we observe the child demonstrate the concentration and desire for academic instruction, we will introduce more direct academic content. While we maintain our emergent curriculum, we also integrate Cathie Perolman literacy components and follow the Montessori Math and Practical Life scope and sequence.

  • Raising Radishes Preschool is currently operating in collaboration with the Elementary School in the Owen Park neighborhood, just west of downtown Tulsa. Our Preschool environment is designed to operate as a children’s house. The outdoor space is not only an establishing mini- farm but, also equipped as a classroom. The expectation is that children spend equal amounts outdoors as indoors.

    Indoor and Outdoor Spaces

    The indoor and outdoor environments includes include the Inventor’s Workshop, Science Lab, Atelier (Art Studio), Sound Stage, Indoor Plant Care, Multiple Outdoor Gardens, 3 Greenhouses, Living Walls, Gross Motor Areas, Namaste Tents, and more. These spaces are equipped with unique interest-related features, as well as the basic supplies and equipment needed to offer diverse educational experiences.

    Indoor and Outdoor Kitchen

    A large part of our curriculum and environment is focused around food. With an emphasis on seed to table, the children are guided in their own food prep throughout the indoor and outdoor simple kitchens. The Kitchens are just one example of how the environment is intentionally designed to help children gain independence in care for themselves and their ecosystem.

    Digital Landscapes

    As we bridge into a world of digital landscapes, we are intentional around the use of technology. While we do not have open computer access for our preschool children, we do offer early technology integration and experiences in VR, robotics, photography, documentation and coding. Additionally, we practice basic computer skills and etiquette as we work collaboratively in research.

    Peace Tables - A Peace Education Element

    Both indoor and outdoor spaces feature “Peace Tables”, a Montessori methodology around conflict resolution. We believe that the Peace Table sets the space for child initiated peace talks amongst their peers. The Peace Table is one of the first introductions in our curriculum around Peace.

  • Children’s work is documented for every child through individual portfolios. Those learning experiences are communicated with families daily highlights (Today We’s - emailed), printed and hung documentation boards and more. Parents have continuous access to view their child’s portfolio; as well as collaborate with the teacher and child on portfolio contents.

    The preschool experience may also include walking field trips which allow students to extend their learning into the community. Such outings provide the opportunity to research and collect data in order to bring projects to life, and enhance the depth of knowledge that is shared through documentation.

    Families are welcome into our spaces at all times to observe their child’s day or simply view hanging documentation of their child’s work.

  • Here you will find one of our menus for a.m. and p.m. snacks. As the children progress through our Montessori food prep curriculum, their snacks become more complex.

    Example Snack Menu