K - 5th Grade

5-11 year-olds

Our K-5th grade program consists of a mixed age group of children from 5-11 years of age. The program is dedicated to keeping a ratio of 1:10 with at least one certified and degreed Teacher and one Teacher Assistant. These low ratios help to ensure respect for the individual needs of the child.

Although we work together in an open setting, some activities, responsibilities, and field trips are divided amongst our lower elementary and upper elementary.

  • Much like our Preschool, Raising Radishes K-5 program employs a Reggio-inspired, project-based, constructivist approach to early childhood education. Teachers deliver an “emergent curriculum,” predicated on the emerging interests, ideas, and inquiries of the children. This type of work provides ample opportunity for discussion, collaboration, decision-making, choices, cooperation, and evaluation during the course of an investigation.

    Projects can last days, weeks, or even months based on the interests and enthusiasm of the children. Through these projects, teachers routinely plan and deliver a wide variety of educational experiences, which incorporate emergent literacy, music, art, sustainable farming and agriculture, cultural studies, botany, cosmic education, dramatic play, motor development, math, nature, and other sciences.

    Our K-5 program begins to implement more direct academic content when the child shows developmental readiness and interest. While we maintain our emergent curriculum, we also integrate Cathie Perolman literacy components and follow the Montessori Math scope and sequence. Our K-5 children continue to develop in their practical life skills by taking on heavier responsibilities such as chicken coop construction, moving from food prep to cooking, planting and harvesting the garden, and more direct interactions with the local community.

  • Children’s work is documented for every child through individual portfolios. Those learning experiences are also communicated using journals, project boards, daily highlights (through email), and more.

    The K-5 experience also includes walking and transportation field trips which allow children to extend their learning into the community. Such outings provide the opportunity to research and collect data in order to bring projects to life, and enhance the depth of knowledge that is shared through documentation.

    In K-5, more of the documentation responsibilities are gradually handed to the children. This allows for a stronger metacognition opportunity and autonomy over their learning.